
The (Un)Domesticated Diva is Back! Permanent Marker Fix

The (Un)Domesticated Diva,
 Jacqueline Grisham
I genuinely like Halloween. I like to carve pumpkins, give candy out to trick or treaters (although the kids here ride around golf carts-lazy daisies), and I like to dress up in costume and guess what other people are as well. This year, I pondered many ideas on who to be- Lady Gaga or Snooki originally topped my list. While I do love a good leotard/tights combo, and definitely some major hairspray and a reason to purchase a bump-it would have been money, I decided to do something a little cleverer. Inspired by Aftony’s Fannie Mae and Freddy Mac combo two years ago during the financial meltdown, my husband and I brainstormed about all the recent news stories for inspiration. Somehow we decided on being the BP oil spill. 

In an effort to not look too political, I decided the details: blue shirt for him, blue dress for me both with something spilled on it. I wrote a “B” on mine (I thought it was ironic and funny to take the B) and he got the “P” (Again, the irony). It was all very witty until I wrote the “P” on one side of his shirt in permanent marker, flipped it over and wrote the “P” on the other side. I picked up the shirt and yikes, there is a giant “P” on my husband’s wooden kitchen table in black permanent marker. 

After cursing the spirits of Halloween, I tried everything I could think of: nail polish remover, old-fashioned soap and water, anti-dandruff shampoo (hey, it gets rid of sunspots on your skin!), alcohol, witches hazel (what the heck is that for anyways?), but none of them worked. Finally, I googled to see if I could find another solution. Desperate, I quickly dabbed toothpaste all along the “P” and let it sit for about an hour. Voila!  Good as new! It should work for any kind of pen, sharpie, and marker stain on anything wood. Happy Arts and Crafts time this Holiday Season!


My Newest Blog-Crush: The Man Repeller

Thanks to my friend Selia 'Slacks' Straus I now have a new blog obsession and I think you should too. The Man Repeller is everything I am not when it comes to style blogging: unencumbered by full time employment, over flowing with lack of inhibition and, last but not least, she's got someone to photograph her (ah, the life of the single lady - if only Figs had thumbs!). I am obsessed with her snarky tone and her topical posts like how to be photographed by a street style blogger and how to rock birth control glasses. I mean, it's only my one wish to be in the 'Do' section of some major publication...  Let's just say that I generally agree that girls (I think when your friends start turning 25, you are no longer girls - love you guys) women dress for other women and that fashion is not always translatable to the male sex. The Man Repeller takes that philosophy to the next level and owns it. One of her posts that I am most obsessed with is how to make your own turband. I will be doing this soon (once I get the guts/have dirty enough hair... I'm thinking this wknd in Vegas will be a perfect spot for this trial - family criticism be damned!).

Check it out below and make sure to check out The Man Repeller soon. It's the tits.

As a self-proclaimed expert in the field of man repelling, I thought it useful to start including photo-heavy tutorials that will document the exciting prospect of DIYing your very own sartorial cock blocks. This week, we'll start with the TURBAND. Sure, you can buy one (cue: Pixie Market, The Nasty Gal) but think of it like this: when you're buying say... a salad for lunch, don't you prefer owning the power to include your favorite ingredients and to make sure it is exactly what you want? No surprise craisins. 

Yeah, so turband. DIY.

Before we start I'll just say, this DIY took place in the comfort of my own bedroom. In real life, people don't DIY while overlooking the High Line and wearing sequined mini dresses and cat eye sunnies. I'm trying to bring an element of realness to your computer screen. NOW...

 1                                    2                                     3
Step 1: Locate a square scarf. I stole mine from my mom. She is fancy so it is Hermes. 
Step 2: Take opposite corners from said scarf and fold them together. This should leave you with a triangle shaped piece o'fabric. If you want, you can tie it around your head and pretend you're a female extra in Fiddler on The Roof."Match maker, match maker make me a match. Find me a find, catch me a catch." Anyone? Anyone? K, bye.
Step 3: Keep folding.

Step 4: Tie the folded scarf around your head and pretend you're a ninja. This is also an optional step though highly recommended.

5                                    6                                   7
Step 5: Tie the folded scarf around your head so that you have bunny ears. Knot it once.
Step 6: Knot it again and start laughing because you're only two steps away from anti-mating! 
Step 7: Take the bunny ears you've created and bring them toward the back of your head. Knot again.

Step 8: Put on patent leather booties, pose like a douche bag and voila, male genital deterring continues.