
The.Well.Set's Own Genuine Gentleman

Dear Genuine Gentleman,

How long should a girl wait before she has sex with a guy?

Well, well, well, I always thought that women had this figured out. It surprises me that in the era of “sexual equality” women still have to deal with this quandary.

Here is what goes on in the mind of a Gentleman:

  1. First night: Awesome, I got laid. Did I even get her number? I wonder how many other times she has done this? I might or might not call to ask you out, but definitely to get lucky.
  2. 3rd date: Awesome, I got laid. I wonder what she thought of it? I hope I get to do it again because I always do better the second time.
  3. 1st Month: Awesome I got laid. I think I really like her but what made her wait so long to sleep with me? She must be a good girl?
  4. God this is a long time: Awesome I got laid. Finally. Finally. Finally. Thank God all my effort has finally paid off and I am a happy man. If I did not like her so much I would have broken up with her a long time ago.
  5. Marriage: Awesome I got laid. Actually this is not that awesome because we waited so long that I have forgotten all my moves. I hope she doesn’t think that I am always this quick and bad. I hope we have chemistry...

So, ladies, all you have to do is decide which one suits you the best. Just remember: he'll talks about you to his buddies because he is going to talk and talk a lot. So, don't do anything that you would regret having spread through the grapevine.

Ladies, thanks for your time and keep the questions coming: genuinegentleman(@)thewellset.com

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