
TheWellSet Christmas List 2013: Prada, Tod's, Eddie Borgo - OH MY!

Celine, Tod's, Eddie Borgo, Prada, Zara: Christmas List 2013
1/ 2/ 3/ 4/ 5/ 6/ 7

Happy belated Tgiving, everyone! We have had splendid November in the Baily-Griffin home. And by splendid I mean going 1 million miles per hour with everything in the world going on. Before we get into life updates, Christmas time is upon us and I get to ask for stuff I want and stuff I can only dream of receiving. What do you say Santa? Celine? We used the online Christmas list site Checked Twice to tell our family what we would like. We will see if it works.

Here's what is new with me...

Work: 1+ month into the new j-o-b! Hence there has been not a peep on this blog since Warby Parker asked me to cover their F/W 2013 eyewear collection. Yes, you read that correctly! They contacted me and said "Can you review this? We love your blog." So, I did and then like any overcommitted blogger promptly went dark. Well played strategy? Not in the slightest. But, I had to stop blogging for my sanity since in my new job I worked 100 hours in my first 9 days (yes, I worked the weekend). Let's just say I am not a doctor or and attorney for a reason. I am a WIMP! I do love the new job. Education reform is legit. Plus, I have set some respectable work-life boundaries and I am much happier with the hours. Put one down in the grown up column!

Home: The wooden fence is up and we have furniture in the front room! Here are some snaps of the very much work in progress. Brad and I worked all day in the yard on Sunday because when you have a new fence it is like getting a new purse and needing a new wallet... You need landscaping to match that beautiful fence! We listened to this album while we worked the day away:

Travel: We had an awesome visit to Austin for about 27 hours for Reilly and Bennett's wedding. It was so gorgeous and great to see all of Midland, Texas crammed into the Mezzanine of the Driscoll Hotel. We then flew to Tulsa for the Baily family tradition of the Thanksgiving meal. Only this year my 87 year old Grammy threw in the towel and left the catering up to the Amish. That's right, the Amish are everywhere - even Oklahoma. The food was great and the weather went from frigid to bearable the week we were there.

What are you doing for New Years? We just bought our tickets to this and you should too!
Get 'em here: http://fphnye.com
PS. You may have noticed my addition of a SHOP button on my nav bar (look at you, so observant!), well, I have decided to clean out my closet and you can check out some of my slightly worn, very loved wears on Ebay here.

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