
Sex and the City 2: I don't care what they say!

Yes, I’m a cliché I know. I saw SATC2 within the first week it was out. I posted the first pictures published as well as the first trailer. I bought my tickets online a few weeks out and went to the show with my friends. I got there early too, first one in the theater in fact, and it was empty for a while. I was about 30 minutes early (not thattt early) and the theater was empty until about 10 minutes out.

Then the women started flooding in – every age, race and size. Plus one man. He looked straight, but who really knows or cares. I was worried, but the fans came and the theater ended up mostly full. These women were not necessarily stylish, but the excitement over the film was palpable and when it cut to the opening credits I heard more than one person exclaim, “I’m so excited!” Ok, those words were also uttered from my lips and echoed by my friends. 

I was so excited despite the bad reviews and the urgings from my boyfriend that it was going to suck. I didn’t care, I told him, I knew and had heard that if you really loved the characters and the show that you would love the film, regardless of what some blah film critics said.

And I am going to just throw this out there: I loved the film. I relished in every minute of the fluff and escapism it was. The clothes! The characters! They were back! I was thrilled and it was awesome. I’ll for sure watch it again on HBO in a year.

Here were some items I took away from the film aka the good, bad and otherwise, not too much of a spoiler alert, but still FYI:

1) Miranda’s opening dress was phenomenal. It was well styled with interesting earrings and that shell ring. Here’s to you Miranda: you are no longer a mediocre looking lesbian lady playing a straight, type A women! You looked hot - what was it exactly? You’re hair maybe? You looked great in the film and the opening dress was a showstopper. I did a little research  and the low cut, knee length ensemble is from a british designer, Julien MacDonald, and was bold, sexy, and definitely made a statement.

2) The women looking like, well, women. Their bodies and their skin, specifically Carrie’s and Samantha’s were wrinkly and I liked it. Here’s to you ladies: for not looking like Barbie-Frankenstein-robots. I appreciate your age appropriate skin and all it has to offer. You look wise in your old age and knowledge is power and power is sexy, even on a woman.

3) Samantha’s normal-ish body – how refreshing. She had a pooch and her arms weren’t twigs. I was all ‘you-go-girl’ because it was so nice to see her eat something. I also appreciated her menopause humor – we’ll be there soon ladies {not that soon} and it’s time to embrace our hot flashy, sweaty mothers.

4) The Middle East and women’s rights in the film. Pretty interesting how that agenda was pushed. Not too hard, but just enough that Samantha’s lack of cultural awareness was, for lack of a better term, grating. Being blatantly sexual isn’t American it is just plain tacky and rude. It’s part of their religion to be modest and modesty is not always repressive.

5) Traditional marriage under scrutiny. As a non-traditional gal myself I can relate to wanting to rebel against cultural norms: just because they are the norms doesn’t mean they are right. But being anti-tradition isn’t always right either. Some of those traditions are there for a reason to preserve the marriage. This discussion in the film was really interesting to me as I struggle with the connotations of real life marriage versus fantasy marriage.

6) The karaoke part. They almost jumped the shark there with the song and the dancing. Fortunately it turned into kind of a heart felt power woman ballad toward the end. I dug it eventually. Let's burn our bras! 

7) Finally the Shoes {yes, that needs to be capitalized)… Here’s some pictures for your fashion enjoyment:

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