
Do You Know This Guy?

At the recent Yeasayer concert in Austin my boyfriend took this picture on his phone to send to me because they were making fun of this guy who was apparently having a very, very bad time. 

[quoting him and his friend - use a whiny voice]

"Oh, my girlfriend just broke up with me, wahhh."

[my boyfriend]

"Somebody call the wambulance."

Upon receiving the picture I passed it around to my friends in a kinda wtf moment until someone said, "Wow. That's a cool picture." Only then did I realize that it was much more than just a snap of the 'ol iPhone-making fun of someone-moment. It was artistically pretty rad in composition, lighting and color. 

It just goes to show that you don't have to have extra fancy-shmancy equipment to capture the beauty {or pain in this instance} in the world around you. It's inspirational... 

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