
The (Un)Domesticated Diva Strikes Again

By Jackie Hamilton, Austin, Texas

Taking the trash out, laundry, dishes, bills (major yuck!), cleaning my room…the amount of chores an almost grown up has to do seems almost endless. Everyone has their least favorite one. For me, laundry wins the Worst Chore in the World Prize. I don’t know what it is about it, but I put it off for as long as possible. Don’t tell anyone, but I might secretly wait so long to do laundry that I resort to either a. wearing swimsuit bottoms as underwear or b. buying new underwear to put off the daunting task a few more days.

When the time comes that my laundry basket is so overfilled and I no longer have clean clothes or towels, I grudgingly make my piles and begin the laundry task. Unfortunately, due to my vast amount of laziness, when I do wash my towels, they make their trip in the washing machine and usually call it their new home for the next few days. Well, for those of you who are not expert laundresses, if you leave wet towels in the washing machine for a period of time, they will eventually begin to mildew. Surprisingly, just washing them again on hot does NOT get rid of the mildew or the smell. (Mmmm, nothing like being clean and drying off with something that smells like it has lived at the SAE house after Foam- SICK)

Tired of my boyfriend constantly making fun of me and my poor, sick towels, I decided to do something about it (I really hope he isn’t reading this and discovering that the more he hounds me, the greater the chances I will do what he wants). He suggested I try to use Color-Safe Bleach (What? They make color-safe bleach? Doesn’t that defeat the purpose of bleach?) I was really excited to try this out. To my dismay, my towels didn’t smell any different. What is the purpose of this color-safe bleach? I still have no idea! Not only that, but that was the only kind of detergent we had for awhile and I’m pretty sure I am allergic to it. Itchy, itchy, itchy.

The only other solution I could come up with was to suck it up and buy all new towels. After my TJ MAXX/lunch excursion and $70 later (I like to have a lot of towels on hand- our apartment is pretty much a hotel during football season- I prefer to call it “ J&S Chalet” but that’s up for discussion), I was telling my coworker about my debacle. She had a great solution for me… Pine Sol! Just add a ¼ to ½ cup with regular detergent in the wash and tada! They came out lemony fresh! Not only do I smell good but so do my towels! Yay! Here’s to being so fresh and so clean, clean…

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