
True Fashion for the New Year

As the new year swiftly approaches we are all urged to pause and think, "How can I make myself better in 2010?" With the notion of a clean slate just around the corner gyms offer membership specials urging you to start the new year off right. Our narcissism really bubbles to the surface this time of year and the more narcissistic the better. We are all encouraged to commiserate on what we will try to do to make ourselves better:

"I'm going to drop those 20 lbs." - "I'm going to be healthier." -
"I am going to drink less." - "I am going to exercise more." -
"I am going to quit smoking." - "I am going to stop stressing out."

How many of these resolutions actually come true?

And how often do you find yourself discouraged by your lack of ability to really stick with it and make those big changes to problems that have plagued you for years? I have a resolution that you can stick to: live better. It's that simple. No starvation diets, no ridiculous fad treatments. Just live better. Treat yourself better.

One way I am resolved to do this is in a way that you might say is extremely shallow: look better. I believe that when you take a few extra moments to take care of the way you look it will do wonders for the way you feel; regardless of your weight/height/job/etc.

So, together lets resolve to be better to ourselves in 2010. No more negative talk. Lets resolve to build ourselves up and not tear ourselves down. For me this resolution is parallel to looking better and to feeling be
tter about myself.

There is truly no easier way to do this than to update your look. I know that
when I take a moment to dress well that I have more confidence. It's personal maintenance for me.

So, without further ado, I will be spending from now until mid January fleshing out some of
the best trends for spring. There's a plethora of subtle, affordable things that you can do to your look to rocket you into a stylish 2010.

Please take them as suggestions, but remember to be yourself and express your own personal style M.O. because, in my opinion, there is nothing more stylish than being yourself.

Picture to left from

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