
Patrick Swayze - I love you.

I'm not ashamed to say that Dirty Dancing is my favorite movie of all time - literally. It's number one, right before Pure Country. Yes, my dad sent a personal email to me and my sister last night saying how said it was that our dancing idle had passed. Yes, my dad and my sister had the father/daughter dance at her wedding (and her walk down the isle at her deb) to "I've Had the Time of My Life" from the last scene of the movie.

Yes, my sister and I memorized dance sequence after dance sequence and performed them in socks on our wooden floor when we were growing up. Yes, I have literally every line from the movie memorized and my friends won't watch it with me now because it's so annoying. Yes, I thought Lisa was a big slut, even when I was 5. Yes, I thought the manager of the hotel was a big douche bag. And yes, I thought Baby was a baby. Oh and yes, I felt sooo smart when I caught a glimpse of Baby's lacy thong underwear that slipped into camera view during a sex scene, teaching me that no, people don't really have sex when it looks like they are in the movies.

RIP Patrick Swayze. I will forever remember your graceful steps on the log above the ravine.

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