By Addison Donnell, LA, CA
Ever thought you would like to see Ryan The Temp scalp a Nazi or two? Or maybe watching the director of Hostel beat German soldiers with a baseball bat is more your thing? Perhaps what you are looking for is 2 and half hours of that nerd from every teen flick in the past 10 years mowing down some of Hitler's troops? Either way, no matter your vice, if you hate the Nazi Party as much as you should, Inglourious Basterds is for you.

No, I take that back, there is one grand element I have left out of the film's description. Unless you have been living under a rock for the past three years (and even if that is the case, you should still probably know) you know that this is a Tarantino film. For those of you who are not familiar with Tarantino, start googling. For those of you that are, let's get to it.
My initial thoughts, as well as the rest of the world's, were “Yes! Nazi's AND Quentin Tarantino in one movie? What could go wrong?!” And then I remembered, oh right, contrary to popular belief, not all film geeks worship Tarantino, me being one of them. However, tired of being a pariah in Los Angeles, I gave in. To the vast majority the film's audience, the scalping and shooting and burning and stabbing and slicing and...you get the point...of German soldiers through Tarantino's eyes was an experience of pure delight.
The cast was incredible, to say the least. Christoph Waltz plays the head Nazi in the film (no, not Hitler) and I have to say I never fathomed a German general to be so darn hilarious. The man is fantastic in every scene, whether he is killing Jews or ordering a strudel. Expect a Best Supporting Actor nomination come Oscar time, my friends...just you wait. The rest of the cast from Diane Kruger and Daniel Bruhl to the stunning French born Melanie Laurent makes those of us who don't have wet dreams about Quentin Tarantino admit to one thing. He knows his stuff when it comes to casting. And I challenge you to argue with me on that one.
And don't worry, I didn't forget about Brad. From someone who is known for his god-like face and 500 adopted children, I didn't expect anything that would blow my mind, especially compared the rest of the cast. But, did you know Brad Pitt is funny? Not just like, ha-ha, but seriously fucking funny, people.
Aside from the actors, the scenery is amazing (because duh, it's Europe), cinematography, music, editing is all great, yet, I cannot stress this enough people, VERY Tarantino. If you don't mind a lot of blood and the random dividing of a movie into unnecessary chapters doesn't seem to bother you, then drop everything you are doing right now and run to the nearest theater. Oh, and you have 2 hours and 32 minutes to spare....
Bottom line: If these movie posters don't scare you, you are good to go.
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