
Fashion Fix: What to Buy NOW - Fall/Winter 2013 Must Haves

Fashion Fix: What to Buy Now - Fall/Winter 2013 Must Haves - Thewellset.com
Top Three: 3.1 Philip Lim Boots, H&M Paris Show Leather Vest (sold out online, got mine on eBay here), XL Oversized Hair on Hide Clutch

VEST: I stumbled across that H&M vest in the September Vogue (yes, I am just now reading that - things have been nuts!) and instantly ripped out the page it was on. Living in Houston plus being aggressively hot natured, vests are my jam when it comes to winter time layering. So, when I found out that it was sold out online I did what any smart girl does and turned to eBay for one to be Fedex'd direct from Budapest. Thank you, internet! 

BOOTS: Those over the knee boots are so fabulous. That cognac leather has my name all over it. That behind the knee strap is the best! Maybe some day... 

CLUTCH: I had lunch with a mentor/friend today and she was carrying this fabulous leopard, hair on hide clutch. I nearly choked on my salad when she said it was from Etsy! So, immediately I got online and ordered myself one. It looks just like the Claire Vivier one only for a fraction of the cost.  

BONUS BUY: Zara Marbled Crop Top - Do you have the body to rock this? Then please do! I love this look and wish that if I was a perfect figured lady. I would totally wear this. Love how Zara styled it with the high wasted, tea length skirt. Not too much skin. Perfect.

Sweater: Believe it or not, angora sweaters AND turtlenecks are in (See the Stella McCartney show, if you do not believe me). I have not bought in just yet (it's nearly 80 degrees outside here today), but who knows? Maybe someday. Plus, what kind of fashion blogger would I be if I did not keep you in the know? Answer: A crap one

Jeans: Black jeans do not need an intro, they are just a staple for me and hopefully for you too. The high wasted makes them flattering and they are perfect for putting under boots and tunics.  
Butters the cat

The Latest

We were home and last weekend was glorious! We unpacked and organized wedding gifts, wrote 34 thank you notes, mowed the lawn, weeded, went to church, went to Rev... And then some. The weather was so crisp and Butters, the mere cat, was really enjoying the view from our second floor, open window. He's the best. 

Very spooky!

We also decorated our house for Halloween. It was so fun! I think we might actually have trick-or-treaters this year! Fingers crossed because I bought five 12 pound bags of candies. Whoopsies. Happy Halloween!

BONUS TRACK: For your drive home with the windows down. Just do it. 



Friday Funny Haha: New P'Trique, Brides Throwing Cats + Miley Cyrus

"Do you like my neck purse?" I am dying. 

I am so glad that P'trique is back with some new web content. His portrayal of the fashion obsessed is spot on. It is a kind of embarrassing foil for what I sound like when I talk about designer things. Only more bearded. 

My favorite videos of P'trique's: Part One, Part Two.

Brides Throwing Cats is pretty much my favorite new Tumblr site. I love cats and by no means endorse the throwing of them, but by replacing the flowers with the cat it makes for some seriously funny shots. The aggressive women in the crowd are definitely my favorite choice. Also, some of their outfit selections as well. See more here. 

PS. I am pretty sure this is the same venue my friend got married at in Austin earlier this year. It was gorgeous!

this is how her stylist actually dresses
Some of you may think that I have lost my mind, but I am really into the two Miley singles that are out right now and am actually toying with downloading the entire album. After watching Miley: the Movement on MTV (yes, I will admit it) I admire her... Her tenacity. This entire thing was a ploy and we took it: hook, line, sinker. From a sheer branding/marketing perspective, I have to say bravo, girl. You played us so hard. 

Before I ever saw the documentary (more like well glossed propaganda piece, but whatever, props none the less) I ran across this article by her stylist on Nymag.com - Ratchet is Dead: Inside the Mind of a Miley Cyrus Stylist.

Via StyleLikeU
Some big changes are coming my way in the next week. Yes, even bigger changes than the wedding and the purchase of a house... My friend, Carolyn, said it best last night, "I thought you had already done all of the most stressful things a person can do in a year - now  you've added more!" Like the image, I am constantly in beta. Always striving, trying, wanting more. It's just who I am.

I will be able to go into more detail about what is going on next week. It it all good, thankfully. In the meantime please send one out to the Universe for me to transition through this smoothly. Thanks, frands.