
More Good Music for Your Weekend

Go Buy Now: Leopard Purses

When wearing this trend be hyper weary of the material that the leopard print is on and always, always, always go with calf hair. I know what you are thinking: that it's too expensive. 

Well, it's not. Just look at this $80 TopShop version at left. You can't tell it's non designer because it's high quality. Now, if I could buy anything in the world, like some ppl can, those jerks, I would say buy the Alexander Wang version (seen here with Smiley and Elle, don't even ask the price bc it's sold out everywhere) or the Dolce and Gabana ($1,545) version, right, but that's neither here nor there. This is a legit way to buy something that will liven up your wardrobe in one fell swoop without breaking the bank. 

Happy shopping my loves! Have a great weekend, I'm off to the mountains of New Mexico for some family time.
