
Good Song for a Cold, Cold Monday

(Un)Domesticated Diva

By Jacqueline Hamilton, Austin, Texas

For some time, Afton has asked me to submit some articles into The.Well.Set. A few weeks ago, I contributed an article on how to Help the Haitians. It just seemed like a good place/cause to get my feet wet. With my current job situation being mind-numbingly boring, to say the least, I have decided to jump in (with all my clothes on, of course!) and use my creative juices for the benefits of The.Well.Set. I have entitled my column “(Un)Domesticated Diva.”
Being the daughter of a Home-Ec Major (special thanks to Baylor’s idea of educated women, and my mom’s lifelong goal to be a mother), and being pretty much as girly as possible, I attempt daily to be a domestic goddess (a girl can dream right?). So in this column, I would like to give you some tips, recipes, and advice that I have most likely, awkwardly stumbled upon.

A few weeks ago, my roommate was out of town. While she was away, I decided to do the dishes. Looking underneath our sink, I couldn’t find the familiar green box of Cascade that I am used to. Instead, I found a fancy organic “Dishwashing Soap”. Oh! My roommate must have gone environmental and bought us some jazzy dishwashing soap! No, no. It was the kind of soap that you use to hand wash dishes. Needless to say there were bubbles EVERYWHERE.
Now, I LOVE a good bubble bath. And if I wasn’t renting the place, I might have just gotten my current book, lit some candles, turned on some Enya and made a bathtub out of my kitchen (hey, my roommate was out of town, remember?). Instead, I immediately said a church word or two, turned off the dishwasher and grabbed every towel I could find.

FYI, if you wait a few days and turn the dishwasher on again, the bubbles will STILL come out (you would think the soap would just magically disappear…)! So the solutionOlive Oil! Put a half cup of Olive Oil in the soap compartment and turn that bad boy on. If bubbles continue to come out just keep adding olive oil (I probably had to pour half the bottle, but then, I put a LOT of soap in there to begin with). NOTE TO SELF: always read the label on the soap bottle before putting it in the dishwasher.